Ian Long

/Ian Long

About Ian Long

Solicitor and data protection specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in companies of all sizes, including AIB Bank, Aon Corp., Bank of Ireland Group, Griffith College, Groupon International, IAC Applications, Pepper Asset Servicing, and Ulster Bank. Author of leading text on GDPR compliance, Data Protection – The New Rules, published by Jordan Publishing, London.

A simple consumer guide to Irish data protection law and your rights

  Data protection is all about protecting your personal data. But what does this really  mean?   This guide is by Ian Long, solicitor and data protection specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in companies of all sizes, including AIB Bank, Aon Corp., Bank of Ireland Group, Griffith College, Groupon International, IAC Applications, Pepper [...]

By | 2020-07-26T19:29:13+00:00 July 26th, 2020|Data Protection|Comments Off on A simple consumer guide to Irish data protection law and your rights