Karl Dowling TEP

/Karl Dowling TEP

About Karl Dowling TEP

Karl Dowling is a Barrister at Bar of Ireland & Bar of England and Wales. He is editor of the Irish Probate Journal and Committee member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) Ireland and coordinator of the Law Society's Certificate & Diploma in Trust and Estate Planning.

The Limitation of Actions & Time Limits in Probate Practice (& Associated Practical Issues)

Publisher's Note:  This is one of the most definitive and expertly written Irish probate legal guides available online and is a superb  resource for legal professionals, students and the general public alike. If you require the services of a Probate Solicitor visit our practice pages here. INTRODUCTION The need for time limitations on the institution [...]

By | 2020-12-18T01:21:26+00:00 November 9th, 2016|Papers, Probate|Comments Off on The Limitation of Actions & Time Limits in Probate Practice (& Associated Practical Issues)