

Brexit: It’s crunch time for the UK Insurance market…and Ireland awaits

Despite recent reports that Ireland may not get the big 'Brexit dividend' it might have envisaged from UK banks and financial services companies relocating operations here, one London City lawyer argues that Ireland is still well-placed to be the new base of choice for the UK insurance sector. Written by Stephen Netherway, Partner and Head of the Insurance [...]

By | 2020-12-18T02:10:25+00:00 March 29th, 2017|Company Law|0 Comments

Cycling Accident Injury & Death Statistics Reflect Cycle Usage Growth in Ireland

  Ray Motherway BL This article has been written for by Ray Motherway, a practicing barrister with professional experience of injury law in Ireland.   The Road Safety Authority (RSA), the state agency formed by the Irish Government to promote road safety, reported that in 2015, there were 9 cyclist deaths on the [...]

By | 2017-03-04T20:02:22+00:00 February 10th, 2017|Papers, Personal Injury|0 Comments

The Limitation of Actions & Time Limits in Probate Practice (& Associated Practical Issues)

Publisher's Note:  This is one of the most definitive and expertly written Irish probate legal guides available online and is a superb  resource for legal professionals, students and the general public alike. If you require the services of a Probate Solicitor visit our practice pages here. INTRODUCTION The need for time limitations on the institution [...]

By | 2020-12-18T01:21:26+00:00 November 9th, 2016|Papers, Probate|0 Comments

Roddy Tyrrell appointed as Notary Public

Pictured above at the conferral of the 2016 Diploma in Notarial Law & Practice are Roddy Tyrrell, Principal of Tyrrell Solicitors & publisher of, Mr. Michael V. O'Mahony, Dean of the Faculty of Notaries Public and Susan Denham, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Hon Mrs Justice Susan Denham said; ‘This is a day [...]

By | 2017-03-04T20:05:32+00:00 July 27th, 2016|Announcements|0 Comments

PP v HSE: An Irish abortion case that never was?

During Christmas week December 2014, the High Court was called upon to decide on a matter of great urgency - to resolve a medical legal issue of significant public importance. To date nothing has changed regarding medical legal guidelines for the management of exceptional circumstances during pregnancy. This paper by Maria Watson BL seeks to explore that decision [...]

By | 2023-02-09T06:26:26+00:00 June 28th, 2016|Papers|0 Comments

Brexit and Ireland: Legal Implications for Insurance & Financial sectors

Amidst all the noise of the Brexit debate now gaining ground in Ireland lies one simple truth writes London City lawyer Stephen Netherway – no one can predict exactly what will happen to Ireland should the UK leave the EU this Thursday.   Updated 24 June [...]

By | 2017-03-29T20:10:34+00:00 June 20th, 2016|Company Law, Papers|0 Comments

New Report to Government bursts the balloon of Irish Insurance Industry flood claims

In the Irish Times today was the news that a report by Standard & Poors, released in the aftermath of the extensive recent floods in Ireland, contains a number of findings which seem to contradict the general media spin from the Irish Insurance industry regarding both flood insurance and also injury claims in general. [...]

By | 2016-10-21T19:18:35+00:00 January 13th, 2016|Personal Injury|0 Comments

Tyrrell Solicitors announce new Irish law consultation clinic in Milan, Italy

Are you living in Italy and require the services of an Irish lawyer? Roddy Tyrrell (see profile here) of Tyrrell Solicitors (and publisher of is offerring a new service for people who are currently residing in Italy and require legal representation here in the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction.   The legal services offerred include [...]

By | 2017-03-04T20:11:51+00:00 May 26th, 2014|Announcements|0 Comments

Inheritance Scams

Roddy Tyrrell, publisher of and principal of Tyrrell Solicitors reports on a recent example of a 'dead client scam' (also known as an inheritance scam), a variant of which has been using the name of his firm. Recently our firm received contact from a gentleman in Australia who had received an emailed and personalized letter [...]

By | 2017-03-04T20:13:44+00:00 November 26th, 2013|Probate|0 Comments

The Case for an Abortion Tribunal in Ireland

A comprehensive look at abortion law in Ireland and how an abortion tribunal system might be formulated if legislative changes are made.   Section 1: Abstract This paper: (a) provides a brief analysis and discussion of the literature dealing with abortion and the law, specifically describing the many differences between definitions of when life [...]

By | 2020-12-18T02:23:16+00:00 October 12th, 2012|Papers|0 Comments