Irish Lawyer Consultations in Perth and Auckland (February 2019)

Irish Law meet-up with Roddy Tyrrell in NZ/AUS

/, Probate/Irish Lawyer Consultations in Perth and Auckland (February 2019)

Irish Lawyer Consultations in Perth and Auckland (February 2019)

Hi, Roddy Tyrrell here, (solicitor and publisher of – just a note to let you know that I will be available to meet for one-to-one in-person consultations in the cities of Auckland, New Zealand and Perth, W. Australia in early February 2019.

This is a part of a series of internationally toured law clinics we have done in the recent past in order to try to engage with the now global audience that visits e.g. including members of the general public who may be expats or for example have a familial/marital or inheritance connection to Ireland (and indeed I would be interested in hearing from AUS/NZ domiciled law practices who might have client business needs in the Rep of Ireland jurisdiction).

Consultation Dates:

Auckland, NEW ZEALAND: 9 – 12 Feb 2019

Perth, WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 28 Feb – 2 March 2019

(The meeting venues are city centre locations and can be advised and arranged with you subsequent to contact as per below).

So if you are interested in getting in touch with regard to same just drop me a line using the enquiry form or phone my office here in Dublin.

[UPDATE 28/1/2019] I have a few meetings now already scheduled but still have few spaces left so get in touch below asap if you want to organize a meeting!


By | 2019-01-28T02:25:51+00:00 January 28th, 2019|Announcements, Probate|Comments Off on Irish Lawyer Consultations in Perth and Auckland (February 2019)

About the Author:

Roddy has over 25 years' experience in private legal practice. He has also lectured in University College Dublin and the Law Society of Ireland. He holds an MA in Healthcare Ethics & Law from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. >> View full profile here