Roddy Tyrrell appointed as Notary Public

2016 Diploma in Notarial Law & Practice Awards

//Roddy Tyrrell appointed as Notary Public

Roddy Tyrrell appointed as Notary Public

Pictured above at the conferral of the 2016 Diploma in Notarial Law & Practice are Roddy Tyrrell, Principal of Tyrrell Solicitors & publisher of, Mr. Michael V. O’Mahony, Dean of the Faculty of Notaries Public and Susan Denham, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The Hon Mrs Justice Susan Denham said;

‘This is a day of celebration for the Faculty of Notaries Public. I commend the Faculty for having the vision to underpin Ireland’s oldest legal profession with a strong educational foundation. The Notary Public counts among the most ancient and respected of professions. It can be traced to the scribes of Ancient Egypt and the tabelliones of Rome. Notarii became secretaries to the Roman Emperor and leading Church figures.

The Notary is the oldest surviving branch of the legal profession. It requires knowledge of many facets of domestic and international law. The profession requires intellect and being well versed in the art of writing. A Notary is a public officer of the civil order, appointed by the State to carry out the functions associated with that office in non-contentious legal matters. Notaries Public are important to Irish commerce and trade, which has a European and international element. Irish people travel all over the globe and Ireland welcomes other nationalities to its shores in a variety of circumstances; this human interaction requires the notarisation of documents and the skill and expertise of the Notary is called upon.

The Notary provides a valuable service to those seeking his/her skill and is a respected and trusted figure of the State of Ireland.”


Functions of a Notary Public

The acts of a notary public have worldwide recognition in the matters of authenticating certain documents, attesting signatures, drawing up powers of attorney, administering oaths as well as other functions provided to the general public and traditionally to mercantile concerns (the latter with particular regard to international shipping of goods).

Members of the public might typically use a notary for the purposes of witnessing Irish state documents for use in other jurisdictions and also foreign adoption papers, affidavits (for use in courts abroad) and other international contract types.

Being appointed a notary public confers additional function powers which not all practising solicitors in Ireland can employ – he/she must complete further study and be appointed by the serving Chief Justice.

Notaries public are permitted to carry out their functions within a limited bailiwick i.e. a designated county territory within Ireland with adjoining county areas.

For more information contact us below.


By | 2017-03-04T20:05:32+00:00 July 27th, 2016|Announcements|Comments Off on Roddy Tyrrell appointed as Notary Public

About the Author:

Roddy has over 25 years' experience in private legal practice. He has also lectured in University College Dublin and the Law Society of Ireland. He holds an MA in Healthcare Ethics & Law from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. >> View full profile here